Michael Jordan life story.. Jordan was born in north carolina growing up he never imagined who and how great of an athetle he would end up becoming. In highschool as a junior he was cut from the varsity team, so he worked harder and next year made varsity and got a full ride to noth carolina college. In north carolina as a freshman was the best on the team and hit the winning national champion shot as a freshman in 86". Michael not only just playing basketball but doing commercals and apperaing on billboards across the u.s. He led the tar heels to 1 national championship but left after his freshman year to the chichago bulls. After his first year in the pros he was voted mvp and had the highest scoring average in the leauge.He won 5 leuge mvps and 5 nba cahmpionships and won the dunk contest three times he avaerged over 37 points a game and scored more then 20,000 points in his career. He was hands down the best basketball player to walk the eath and still is today. But now he is golfing with buddies and going to his sons basketball games at illinoise college. will anyone ever be able to match this High flying dunk definng basketball machine? we will find out one day but as of now he is and will be the greatest for along time.

Comments (2)
paul bonnell said
at 10:35 am on Jan 12, 2009
Yeah. Looks "Ridiculously Good."
Justin said
at 10:54 am on Jan 12, 2009
theres only 2 rules with me! u have too call me night hawk and never ever ever ever touch my drum set.
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