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Peanut Butter!!

Page history last edited by natasha 14 years, 11 months ago

                                                                           Anna and the King


                                                                       Tian Tan (Big Buddha) 

     The book I read was about a very brave woman who went to a place called Siam, which is now Tyland.  She came there to teach.  When she got to Siam she was supposed to teach the king's son king Chulalongcorn but the king had more in mind for her.  When the king introduses her to his family he not only

Comments (1)

sara said

at 6:55 pm on Oct 27, 2009

great story line lol i saw the movie but it probly wasnt even as close to as good as the book. BUt however its an enchanting story ☻

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