Seventeenth Summer
By: Maureen Daly
291 pages
Main Characters
Angie-(main Character)
Jack-(Angie's boyfriend)
Kitty, Lorraine, Margaret-(Angie's sisters)
Swede & Fitz-(Jacks friends)
Margie & Dollie-(Fitz & Swede girlfriends)
About the Book
Seventeenth Summer is about a girl who is never noticed until summer before she goes away to school comes around and the most popular boy in school wants to take her out. She is the only one at parties not drinking or smoking, she is just fine sitting in the corner drinking her coke. Jack's best friend Fitz and his girlfriend Margie like Angie because she's different from the other girls Jack usually goes with. Throughout the summer Angie finds herself going out every night instead of staying in and doing the dishes as she usually does. She goes to places she would usually wouldn't go without hiding her face in imbarassment, hoping no one would notice her walking in all by herself. She spends her summer nights at McNights, or Pete's, But mostly on the lake in Jack's Sailboat.
Angie gets butterflies in her stomach every time she's with Jack, and she isn't sure what this feeling means until the end of the summer. Jack says he loves her and she isn't sure how to respond to it. Angie's sisters are also dating, but them being older think they know more than Angie, and Angie doesn't disagree. One night in the summer Jack takes Angie to a little club where a black man is playing the piano, when the night is weirdly interupted by Loraine (angie's sister) and her boyfriend Martin. Martin wants to sit and have a double date, but Loraine is cautious to have her boyfriend around her family, scared they won't understand him they way she does.
At the end of the summer Angie is leaving for school and finds our Jack will be moving to Oklahoma. They are both counting down the days, not wanting the other to leave. They decide to get the gang together and have a hot dog roast. Jack asks Angie to go walk with him out into the dark creepy woods. Jack has a bit of an emotional break down, and he asks Angie to marry him, because he doesn't want her to go. Will Angie stay and Marry the guy of her dreams, or go get the education she needs....
"I remember thinking when he was so close how he smelled of ivory soap."
"We were sailing in silence for a long time and way up in the sky past the boat houses, was pasted a thin tissue paper curve of moon."
"Her voice had that bright, brittle sound that always reminded me of christmas tree ornaments."
I don't get into books very well, but i really enjoyed this one. She descirbes things, people, and feelings in a really strong way. Like the way she talks about her sister's voice, she descirbes it to tree ornaments; or the way she talks about jack smelling like ivory soap on there first date. It is a very good book, and it isn't some kind of fantasy, its real.
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