
Hunty a member of the sgt, Peppers lonely hearts club band

Page history last edited by Patrick 15 years, 11 months ago




A Series of Unfortunate Events By: Lemony Snicket                                                                                                                 Lemony Snicket





If you read all 1-11 and never read the 12 book of the Series of Unfortunate Events let

you might like this book. In this miserabe part in the book the Baudelaire orphans go the Hotel Denouement to learn the more about the mistery of the V.F.D and put the villinous Count Olaf to justice. I think in this part of is very plot twisting and would make you wonder on Lemony Snicket words of complete randomist which you already know that happens alots in this series. I also like that Lemony Snicket try's to convice you that shouldn't read this book because its to very unfortunate, in which I find not unfortunate but very funny at times. 


 Patrick James LePoidevin's Count Olaf art project   








Sinclair Lewis


By: Richard O'Connor


Wiki done by Patrick James LePoidevin 2nd period
Summary of the book- This book called Sinclair Lewis by Richard O'Connor goes through the life of Sinclair Lewis and his start of his writing career. It also talks about the start of famous books called Main Street and Babbit.
Sinclair Lewis was born in February 7, 1885- January 10, 1951. He started his career soon after collage after his father Edwin J. Lewis cut him off with collage fund. He then went through many careers in short novels and newspaper reporters until he finish one the first big selling novels Main street which is about being the new people in a small town and people within that are gossiping the newcomer. He also created a second best seller novel which was the book called Babbit which was which also goes through a life of a man call Babbit.
                               Main Street                                     Babbit


A place were the walls are bare of pictures! Where there are no books! Where the cigar and the newspaper predominate! Where the intellectual life is nearly as nil as can well be in an assorted assemblage of men who can read and write! Who hasten to the cigar stand and to the bar on their arrival instead of to the bookcase. And in this crowd of stupid, well-dressed plebeians to be a servant a slave...... Away with this modern business life of which hotel life is not the worst example.... By: Sinclair Lewis page 20


I found this quote very interesting. In this part in the book hes working at a hotel and he exams the people in the hotel and tells how boring it is and that their a servants of the modern business world. I didn't find this quote to be anything relating to my life but I thought it would interesting to put it up here. 



Audio reference- One of my audio references is on www.truveo.com/Babbitt-Original-Trailer/id/2198700714 it features the first movie trailer of one of Sinclair Lewis best novels Babbit


Reflections- I thought that this was interesting during the beginning chapters but it lost in interst during its last chapters of the because it went of how his books progress instead of his life story. Its a great book if you ever a fan of Sinclair Lewis and want to learn more about him but if your just reading randomly I probably wouldn't recommend this book to you unless your interested in bio's. 





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