

Page history last edited by paul bonnell 13 years, 3 months ago

Sophomore English Reading Journals/Projects


Include the following on your wiki page: vocabulary, quotations, reflections, visuals, etc.  Also, comment on your classmates' pages.  All material must be appropriate.  Feel free to get creative and make your page engaging and interesting.


What kind of picture might you put on your wiki?  Something like this, maybe:

  From The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian by Sherman Alexie



To see a sample, here's a link to my reading journal over on the junior site: bonnsjuniorenglish.pbwiki.com/BonnsJuniorReadingJournal#view=pag


Here are the links to your classes:



Second-Period0809                              Second-Period09-10


Fifth-Period0809                                   Fifth-Period09-10


Second Period1112

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