
floyds infomercials

Page history last edited by Floyd 15 years, 11 months ago

They Cage the Animals at Night



     This book is very...demanding. It is such an infinacy of raw emotion it captivates you from the second you start into it. This book is the story of a young boy who never had a stable home. he was moved from home to orphonage to street to nowhere. He never seemed to find a consistent friend in his life except one... doggy! A toy dog he stole form one of the orphonages he lived at and. He took it with him absolutley everywere. Jennings Michael Burch was eight years old when his mother took him to a weird place in brooklyn. She said she would be right back, and that... was when it started.  poor little Jennings was stuck in this new place that he new nothing about and he was all alone. the teachers or parents or whatever they were; they seemed nice. but they were not his mom. after a while poor little jennings decides to run away and find his mom.  



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