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Page history last edited by DustinK 15 years, 7 months ago

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From Gary Paulsens' Brian's Hunt: It was high summer coming to fall and Brian was back in the far reaches of wilderness-or as he thought of it now, home"


"We don't like to think of ourselves as prey - it is a lessening thought - but the truth is that in our arrogance and so-called knowledge we forget that we are not unique.  We are part of nature as much as other aninmals, and some animals - sharks, fever-bearing mosquitoes, wolves and bear, to name but a few - percieve us as a food source, a meat supply, and simply did not get the memo about humans are superior."





Cree or Crees


  1. A Native American people inhabiting a large area from eastern Canada west to Alberta and the Great Slave Lake. Formerly located in central Canada, the Cree expanded westward and eastward in the 17th and 18th centuries, the western Cree adopting the Plains Indian life and the eastern Cree retaining their woodland culture.



Canadian Mountie


Royal Canadian Mounted Police Federal police force of Canada. It is also the criminal and provincial force in all provinces except Ontario and Quebec Columbia Encyclopedia: Royal Canadian Mounted Police, constabulary organized (1873) as the Northwest Mounted Police to bring law and order to the Canadian west.


My personal Refelections


I like the Gary Paulsen series because it is centered in the outdoors.  My favorite things to do are fishing, hunting, and camping.  This book and the others in the series make me think about what it would be like to be alone in the wilderness.  Man vs. Nature it is a cool thought.  Gary Paulsen writes with great detail and I feel like I am a part of the story.  I recommend these to others.





Comments (1)

Lance said

at 1:10 pm on Mar 11, 2009

nice page bra
good book by the way

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