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cack and bulls

Page history last edited by andre 14 years, 9 months ago

     A Child Called It



 This quarter i read A Child Called It by Dave Peltzer. It was tight but really sad at the same time, I could almost feel a tear drop building up in my eye. But the steel curtain in my heart would not let me shed a tear for this young boy.



About The Author: 



Dave Peltzer was actually the child in the book. He was abused and mistreated by his mother after his father left the house.





  • " Wheres my hero? What happened to him? "


  • I was nothing but an " It. "


  • " Maybe she wants me to drink my own pee. "






Child abuse hurts everyone.

















     Dick Gregory was born and raised in the ghetto of St. Louis, Missouri. When he was young he was raised in a house that had no power or water and slept in a bed with all his brothers and sisters. When he got into high school he became passionate with running and made himself into a track and cross country star. He went to college were he ended up not meeting his expectations and later became a comedian. He went through ups and downs until he finally hit it big as a comedian, and he moved his wife and family into a new house. He went on to become one of the top comedians and a big civil rights leader.








I really liked the book i thought it was good. It was intresting to see what it would be like to live in a ghetto back in the day when racism was normal. It was cool that he kept fighting and never settled for anything.






"Hey, Flo, gonna take the little monkey home with you?"


"I'm sorry, Mister Gregory, but you know you cant sit in the orchestra."


"I felt the monster coming back out."

















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